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The Sofa 2 Studio challenges are a great way kick-start a healthy routine. Our online studio BalletActive gives you access to dance, yoga and fitness classes anytime, anywhere - so why not pick your perfect challenge and get moving!
I’m more agile, my body feels stronger and I’m overall in a better mood!
Jessica, BalletActive Subscriber

Whether you’re new to ballet or focusing on your wellbeing, there’s a Sofa 2 Studio challenge to help you meet your goal. It’s as easy as 5-6-7-8!

Take your first step:

Choose from the options below, to select the right challenge for you. Not sure how to use BalletActive website/app? Check out our demo video.


Absolute Beginners

Ballet Beginners

Ballet Improvers

  Dance Fitness

Wellness Reset

7-Day Challenges

Limited Mobility


Fitness February

After your Sofa 2 Studio challenge, try our new Fitness February playlists. The perfect way to get your heart pumping, appreciate yourself and move with LOVE!

Fitness February (4)