Akram Khan’s Giselle: Audience Reaction
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Just seen this in Manchester, truly outstanding, I’m genuinely lost for words. Emma Hawes otherworldly as Myrtha, Queen of the Wilis. An amazing experience in so many ways, wonderful! @ENBallet @AkramKhanLive https://t.co/LvQyaXBZhe
— Vegetable Man (@cak900) October 21, 2023
Saw this yesterday in Manchester. Spellbinding music and dance bringing to life a powerful storyline. Just brilliant! Not a dry eye in the house.
— Jackie Bickerstaffe (@JBickerstaffe) October 22, 2023
I didn’t realise how much I needed Akram Khan’s new production of ‘Giselle’. Truly inspirational and moving. Theatre that dares to be visionary, dark, and silent. It’s reminded me that #theartswillalwayssurvive @AkramKhanLive @belrumore @ENBallet
— Emma Haughton (@EHaughton_music) October 19, 2023
I had the most beautiful experience watching @ENBallet Giselle at @PalaceAndOpera . To see the classical ballet reimagined by the phenomenal @AkramKhanLive was a memory that will stay with me. Every movement & every moment was a joy to encounter. It was a haunting masterpiece ~x~ pic.twitter.com/BULIxSyFWS
— Shireen Ashton (@_cherie_bebe_) October 22, 2023
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#ENBGiselle devastating. As usual. Fifth time I’ve seen it, still takes my breath away.
— ElizabethKS (@ElizabethKS) September 19, 2019
I think #GISELLE @ENBallet @AkramKhanLive is the most beautiful thing I have ever seen. https://t.co/hF4tCup769
— Anjana Vasan (@aj_vasan) September 19, 2019
Just watched Akram Khan’s Giselle on BBC 4 – stunning! Beyond beauty. Now I’d love to see it live. Beautiful, beautiful, beautiful and grateful. Thank you @AkramKhanLive
— Trevor McArdle (@McardleTrevor) March 31, 2019
Had the absolute privilege of seeing #ENBGiselle @Harris last night—wow!! Intense, emotional, dark, mesmerizing….and the dancing was phenomenal too! One of the best performances I have ever seen!
— Mary Ellen Pavone, MD MSCI (@MaryellenPavone) March 3, 2019
#ENBGiselle at @harristheater is more than I even imagined it would be. @ENBallet and @akramkhanlive, you're welcome in Chicago any time… https://t.co/jp6OgCfWrC
— Lauren Warnecke (@artintercepts) March 1, 2019
Absolutely loved Akram Kahn's #Giselle @Sadlers_Wells last night. An astonishing, powerful piece of dance theatre.
Completely falling in love with the work of @ENBallet. Go if you can.https://t.co/Rg0K2t5rXb
— jack furness (@jefurness) September 19, 2019
Toe shoes have never been so menacing and thrilling. Primal, visceral, terrifying, exquisite, tender, violent, gorgeous, exhilarating, fantastic, intense, loud, poignant, brilliant #englishnationalballet #giselle @HarrisTheater @ENBallet pic.twitter.com/9ybow3Lt1W
— Richard Hoskins (@OrganistRBH) March 1, 2019
Just saw Akram Khan’s Giselle with @ENBallet in the cinema and OH BOY was it spine-chillingly beautiful. The best thing I have seen for a long time.
— Sasha Rasmussen (@SashaRasmusse11) May 23, 2018
The best piece of theatre I've EVER seen. Moving, haunting and totally absorbing. I would watch Erik Woolhouse as Hilarion over and over..@ENBallet Akram Khan's Giselle: Discover the main characters | English National Ba… https://t.co/U3TVAHUAwX via @YouTube
— Ciara Gavin (@CiaraGavin2) May 18, 2018
Tremendous opening last night for @DublinDanceFest from @ENBallet with Akram Khan's Giselle. Electric choreography, score, performances from the company of 40 dancers & @rte_co. Class division, oppression, love, betrayal and yearning – all there. #DDF18 https://t.co/xq2jLUmTNv
— Helen Meany (@Helen_Meany) May 3, 2018
Akram Khan’s Giselle is one of the most beautiful and heart-wrenching performances I’ve ever witnessed on a stage, ever. A completely spellbinding experience. Bravo @ENBallet Go see @BGETheatre til Sunday 6 May.
— Michelle Beatty (@ChelleyBee) May 2, 2018
Goosebumps after watching @ENBallet perform Akram Khan’s ‘Giselle’ @LiverpoolEmpire with @AA6th Dancers #LoveMyJob #Inspired #AlevelDance pic.twitter.com/NZXUZxvcRM
— Mrs Kissock (@AccDance) October 26, 2017
Completely blown away by Akram Khan's Giselle. Every single beat, movement, gesture, note, photon of light is perfectly threaded together.
— annastarkey (@annastarkey) September 24, 2017
just tear my heart out already. act one of akram khan's Giselle, by the @ENBallet, was so devastatingly beautiful.
— neither wise nor unwise but a secret 3rd thing (@lunarbaedeker) September 22, 2017
Akram Khan's #Giselle @ENBallet @Sadlers_Wells a revolutionary dance of outstanding beauty. Will stand out in history. Unmissable
— Icaro Kosak (@ikosak) November 20, 2016
Just seen @ENBallet dance Akram Khan's #Giselle. Sensational on every level – music, design, dance, choreography. Am so very impressed!
— Matt Cain (@MattCainWriter) November 19, 2016
Wow. I'm not really into dance but Akram Khan's Giselle at @Sadlers_Wells is a complete rollercoaster. Utterly mesmerising.
— Katie Harrison (@harrisonkt_) November 18, 2016
What an intense and breathtaking production is #Akram Khan's #Giselle. Will watch it again any time.Don't think I blink once @Sadlers_Wells
— Marta Perez (@mperezsainero) November 17, 2016
Akram Khan's #Giselle is MIND. BLOWING. @Sadlers_Wells pic.twitter.com/F8oC19wz3K
— Eva zu Beck (@evabiankaz) November 16, 2016
Once again @ENBallet and @TamaraRojo1 pull off something really special. Akram Khan's Giselle is astonishing.
— Catherine Duffy (@cat_duffy) November 16, 2016
Akram khan's Giselle is mind blowing. First act has just finished. I've never seen anything as wonderful as this is. Wow
— Matt Goddard (@godd4rd) October 28, 2016
Still on a massive high from seeing Akram Khan's Giselle @ENBallet. A spectacular masterpiece, every single moment was breathtaking.
— Jane Campbell-Howard (@societyjane) October 20, 2016
I'm burning up with the sheer brilliance & immense passions of Akram Khan's Giselle with ENB @BristolHipp – get a ticket at any cost
— Suzanne Rolt (@SuzanneRolt) October 18, 2016
I forgot to breathe several times whilst watching Akram Khan's Giselle last night – absolutely incredible! https://t.co/E0yO8y4vMm
— Holly Grange (@HollyGrange) October 2, 2016
An incredible evening watching Akram Khan's Giselle @PalaceAndOpera What a triumph for @ENBallet and @MIFestival It's revolutionary. #ballet pic.twitter.com/9L3qlwM3Kh
— Carmel Thomason (@CarmelThomason) September 27, 2016