Ballet Futures: 2024 Applications Are Open
Key Audition Information
Auditions are by invitation only, following an application process.
- Download and read the full application guidelines before applying.
- Applications close on Friday 31 May 2024, 12 noon.
- Audition Workshop dates are:
Sunday 9 June at Dupont Dance Stage School, Memory Lane, Leicester, LE1 3UL
Saturday 15 June at Adagio School of Dance, 661 Rayleigh Road, Hutton, Brentwood, CM13 1SS
Sunday 16 June at West London School of Dance, 58 Bulwer Street, London, W12 8AP
To make sure you hear about English National Ballet’s opportunities for young dancers, sign up to our enewsletter and select ‘Youth Dance Programmes’ as your area of interest.
About Ballet Futures
Ballet Futures: The Pipeline Project is a children’s training programme that encourages and incentivises more dancers from traditionally underrepresented groups in ballet (African Diaspora, Caribbean, South Asian and South East Asian heritage) to participate in sustained professional ballet training from the earliest possible point.
Following a successful audition, dancers invited to join Ballet Futures receive:
- free weekly ballet training at their local Ballet Futures-associated dance school
- financial support towards the cost of ballet shoes and uniform
- backstage access to English National Ballet’s home in London, the Mulryan Centre for Dance, as part of Experience Days (with subsidised travel)
- the opportunity to work with English National Ballet artists and teachers alongside industry representatives who will visit participating schools twice a year to offer class, coaching, repertoire and ballet history sessions, host Q&As and share feedback and support
- invitations to watch English National Ballet perform at world-class venues
- the chance to join a growing community of dancers that we hope will change the landscape of classical ballet in terms of diversity and inclusivity.
Ballet Futures focuses on ballet technique, but will also explore creativity, repertoire and choreography, to reflect the varied and diverse styles seen in English National Ballet’s repertoire. Ballet Futures dancers may be selected to take part in high profile performance and creative development opportunities, including a main stage performance in London during the Company’s season, and may have access to a wide range of professional artists, international choreographers and creatives.

What does it mean to be part of Ballet Futures?
Ballet Futures follows an academic year and is delivered in partnership with five dance schools across England.
Your weekly training will take place at the school closest to where you live. English National Ballet will visit you at your school in autumn and spring terms to deliver a programme of activity and coaching sessions, and also during the summer term to offer 1-1 mentoring sessions.
You will visit us at our home in East London, the Mulryan Centre for Dance for an Experience Day during the Easter holidays. The annual programme also includes a trip to the theatre each term.
It is essential that you maintain high attendance to your weekly classes at your dance school, and attendance is expected at our school visits and our annual Experience Day in London.
Ballet Futures Dates
Autumn Term 2024
Dates TBC – School Visits
Sat 21 Dec – Theatre Trip, London Coliseum
Winter/Spring Term 2025
Dates TBC – School Visits
Dates TBC – Theatre Trip (in your local area)
Sat 26 Apr – Experience Day at English National Ballet’s home, the Mulryan Centre for Dance, London
Summer Term 2025
Dates TBC – School Visits
Date TBC – Theatre Trip, London
Term Dates are released fully once an offer has been made.
How to apply
Please download and read the full application guidelines.
- All dancers interested in auditioning must complete the online application form
- Dancers must be aged 8-12 years
- Your family should identify as family of African Diaspora, Caribbean, South Asian or South East Asian heritage.
Audition workshop
- The Ballet Futures Audition Workshop will take place at our partner schools; Adagio School of Dance, Essex; Dupont Dance Stage School, Leicester; and West London School of Dance.
- Invited applicants will only be requested to attend for one of those dates.
- You can choose the location closest to you to attend for audition.
- You should keep the whole day free, and you must have a grown up with you during the day.
- Dancers will take part in a short ballet technique class and a creative workshop.
- We will hold a short information talk on the programme and the commitment for both dancers and their grown ups.
- We may also call you for a short interview via Zoom w/c 17 June
- More information on what to expect can be found in the full application guidelines.
Audition criteria
What are we looking for?
We are driven by our definition of talent – natural aptitude, musicality, co-ordination, expression/charisma, and evidence of enjoying classical ballet! The spirit of the project is to seek children from underrepresented groups who demonstrate this talent.
What is meant by underrepresented?
For this particular project, we are understanding underrepresented groups to speak to children from African Diaspora, Caribbean, South Asian and Southeast Asian heritage.
Audition Outcome
Dancers will be notified after the Audition Workshop as to whether we are able to offer a place to Ballet Futures, no later than Friday 5 July 2024, by email.
Thank you for your interest. Learn more about Ballet Futures, with our Project Lead, Michelle Ballentyne.