She Persisted: Audience Reaction
heart still pounding from last night's Pina Bausch #RiteOfSpring – visceral, devastating performance by @ENBallet along with fantastic new piece #Nora and glorious/heartbreaking #BrokenWings
definitely go and see #ENBShePersisted if you can! https://t.co/OYBmTTrZS5
— Joseph Howard (@josephhoward_) April 5, 2019
What a wonderful evening last night watching #ENBShePersisted at @Sadlers_Wells Powerful, bold and inspiring. Not to be missed!!
Congratulations @TamaraRojo1 and everyone at @ENBallet pic.twitter.com/aQ3Kbz24mV— Paula Paz (@Paula_Paz_) April 5, 2019
Opening of She Persisted @Sadlers_Wells last night. Riotus colour and joyous celebration of works by and on women from @ENBallet. Pina Bausch’s Le Sacre du printemps was an absolute thrill – I had to remind myself to breathe. Go see ✨ pic.twitter.com/ZkBQWFMsPf
— Dr Caroline Knighton (@CarolineEA4) April 5, 2019
Still drained after @ENBallet harrowing beautiful rendition last night of Pina Bausch’s The Rite of Spring @Sadlers_Wells. Surely one of the GREAT pieces of choreography.
— Simon Mellor (@Simondmellor) April 5, 2019
@Sadlers_Wells & @ENBallet yet again bring the very best to the stage with the breathtaking triple bill of #BrokenWings, #Nora & #PinaBausch classic #TheRiteofSpring. Thank you for gifting us with beautiful (& brutal) stories of women. I'm #flying with #FridaKahlo tonight. pic.twitter.com/o2PbT6o58m
— Hannah Hutchings-Georgiou (@hhgsparkles) April 4, 2019
#ENBShePersisted what a beautiful and powerful evening celebrating diversity and #women's voice in dance! The stage set up for #lesacreduprintemps was a plus! 🙂 Thanks @sadlers_wells @ENBallet @TamaraRojo1 @annalopezochoa @StinaQuagebeur #pinabausch pic.twitter.com/vSKUDvi6sm
— Dr Liliana Araújo (@DrLilianaAraujo) April 4, 2019
I’m so glad the critics also say Crystal Costa and Nora were wonderful. Try to catch it if you love dance. https://t.co/d50347whLe
— Simon Albury (@simonbg12) April 5, 2019
Pina Bausch’s Rite of Spring @ENBallet is completely thrilling. Go see it!
— Tim Johnson (@Mangofantasy) April 4, 2019
Totally blown away by Pina Bausch’s “Le Sacre du printemps” @Sadlers_Wells tonight. Quite shocking & brilliant -you need to see it yourself
— shaminder nahal (@shamindernahal) April 4, 2019
Bravo @ENBallet for giving female choreographers a voice. Your iteration of Bausch’s 1975 Rite of Spring was audacious and breathtaking. Best dance experience ever #shepersists pic.twitter.com/lvdHgvqAci
— Deeanne Bell (@deeannnebell) April 8, 2019
Still thinking about #ENBShePersisted and the fantastic performance of @BegonaCao as Frida Kahlo last night @ENBallet – it was a really wonderful show pic.twitter.com/0SeWvfeaVr
— La Sambista (@Jillpoppygirl) April 7, 2019
Wonderful evening @ENBallet @Sadlers_Wells #ShePersisted last night. Magical, colourful Frieda Kahlo biog, deep emotion with Nora, version of Ibsen’s Dolls House, and finally the stunning, exhausting, visceral Rite of Spring by Pina Bausch. AMAZING!
— Richard Glaves (@RichardGlaves) April 9, 2019
Just watched yet another stunning performance by @ENBallet of yet another amazing mixed bill – fantastic performances all round and terrific playing by the #ENB Phil under their great master @sutherlandgavin Go see it this week @Sadlers_Wells *****
— Steve Springford (@stevespringford) April 8, 2019
Saw Pina Bausch Rite of Spring live for the first time tonight and in case you are wondering yes it is an absolute masterpiece #ShePersisted @Sadlers_Wells
— Dr Leah Sidi (@MilenaLeah) April 8, 2019
This was such an amazing evening with crazy creative @ENBallet . Broken Wings was absolutely breathtaking. I've never seen anything like it! https://t.co/JDQmYd57Wv
— Eva Ticha (@eva_ticha) April 17, 2019
@ENBallet #catharsis #art Pina Bausch's and Stravinsky's Rite of Spring last wk – dancing in pulverised peat can't be easy…part of stunning 'She Persisted' at #SadlersWells pic.twitter.com/3loenOzn6h
— Louise Coigley (@lisntell) April 16, 2019
3 stunning performances by @ENBallet @Sadlers_Wells last night. Powerful & moving stories of women choreographed by women. I was on the edge of my seat!
Photos of Grayson Perry’s Front cloth & the preparation of the stage for Pina Bausch’s Rite of Spring. pic.twitter.com/iIsYrFWfVR— Louise Walters (@StellatoStrings) April 14, 2019
Pina Bausch’s #SacreduPrintemps was everything I love and need from dance. Thank you and hat off to the company! @ENBallet @Sadlers_Wells last night. https://t.co/4tBgFDcIuF
— Lucia Schweigert (@LucidezDance) April 14, 2019
Still can’t get over last night’s final performance of #ShePersisted at @Sadlers_Wells @ENBallet. I doubt there was a dry eye in the audience. Incredibly moving. Bravo! pic.twitter.com/7u1VbKIBih
— Nina Mohanty (@ninamohanty) April 14, 2019
Another break from the law: 'She Persisted' triple bill @ENBallet@Sadlers_Wells. Excellent company, brilliant pieces by female choreographers including 'Broken Wings', Annabelle Lopez Ochoa: pic.twitter.com/wjoZUYJqrx
— Eric Fripp (@EricFripp) April 13, 2019
Wow! Fantastic triple bill by @ENBallet at @Sadlers_Wells. ‘Broken Wings’ exploring Frida Kahlo’s life was incredibly powerful. But it was Pina Bausch’s ‘The Rite Of Spring’ that was jaw dropping. Best performance of a ballet I’ve ever seen! Thanks for the ticket @rosiegerhard09 pic.twitter.com/7I72wzPFTb
— Hannah B (@SparklyHannahB) April 13, 2019
Today I saw Pina Bausch's LE SACRE DU PRINTEMPS live for the first time. I will never forget that. Fuck. Well done to all at @ENBallet
— Crispin Lord (@setzensiebitte) April 13, 2019