Thank you for joining us for ENB at Home!
We will be continuing to upload classes, repertoire highlights, challenges and more on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, YouTube and here on our website.
Visit our Instagram to see some story highlights from around the world!
Please consider donating to our ENB Future Fund to help our future.
This is absolutely amazing. Had tingles all up my spine. #ENBAtHome #ENBSwanLake https://t.co/hhn8DJDcXz
— Julia – Genealogy Journeys (@Julia_Genealogy) March 26, 2020
The healing power of the arts. Bravo @sutherlandgavin + musicians of @ENBallet #ENBAtHome #ENBSwanLake #ThankYou https://t.co/j1Ah3xFckc
— Jody White Van de Klippe (@JKlippe) March 26, 2020
@ENBallet Here's a 3yo enthusiast for Tamara's lessons! pic.twitter.com/ta93zdtPey
— Adrian Horsewood @doktorfaustus.bsky.social (@adrianhorsewood) April 2, 2020
Toddler in bed and a couple of hours off catching up on work to treat myself to a class with @ENBallet – thank you for sharing! Ballet Class with Tamara Rojo #1 | English National Ballet https://t.co/5XoesbRK0V via @YouTube
— Anna Demming (@annademming) March 24, 2020
It’s a wonderful opening describing longing, hope and menace all wrapped together. Seeing the separate instruments each playing their part to create the whole is fascinating. The ENB will need help and this is a great way to ask for it @LondonTheatre1 https://t.co/ZdMMEPwJDJ
— Marian (@Marian__Kennedy) April 2, 2020
#CompanyClass #KeepDancing #thanks @TamaraRojo1 your dancing class at home are amazing
— Elena Ibor Mallor (@elenaIbor) April 11, 2020
@ENBallet what a company! Creating and sharing such an array of new material – your Youtube channel is an inspiration. Dance For Parkinson's Class with Kate Hartley-Stevens | English National… https://t.co/6twzXo8xsU via @YouTube
— Dr Cindy Sughrue (@CindySughrue) April 9, 2020
It’s totally fantastic to have access to @TamaraRojo1 classes online, a true privilege really. And lovely exercises, no elaborations but all about 50/50 position & core. For us non pro dancers, we can also rewind and watch her perfect execution again &again! Thank You both!!! ❤️
— Liane MS (@MadilynLiane) April 21, 2020
I watched @ENBallet’s incredible #BrokenWings last night on YouTube (it’s free, you can donate as you watch) I can’t recommend it enough. It is absolutely dazzling, incredible. It made my brain fizz with joy & felt like I’d had a night out. Get to it. https://t.co/28Omi6d74D pic.twitter.com/KABXmJyZ9n
— Simon Savidge (@SavidgeReads) April 23, 2020
Online pub quiz this evening (lost out on first place by one point), following brilliant @ENBallet Broken Wings, with @TamaraRojo1. Cultural and social life continues through lockdown.
— Andy Horton (@fechtbuch) April 22, 2020
Thanks to @ENBallet for making #BrokenWings available. We all LOVED watching, but especially my daughter for her ‘deep learning day’ @UckfieldCollege #ENBatHome #ballet #performanceinlockdown #FridaKahlo pic.twitter.com/dcNRbKWNsg
— Bob Belfield (@RobinBelfield) April 23, 2020
English National BalletのBroken Wingsを観る。なんて美しくてポエティックで時にファニーで残酷なんだろう。シンプルだけど雄弁な美術にカラフルで広がりが美しい衣裳。まだの人絶対観てほしい。あと数時間観られるはず。 https://t.co/WNG0IGhF8P
— 山本貴愛 / Kie Yamamoto (@Kie_Yamamoto228) April 24, 2020
Adored @annalopezochoa’s beautiful #BrokenWings, based on life of #FridaKahlo and performed by @ENBallet with the ineffable @TamaraRojo1. Loved watching with friends – can’t wait to organise many a theatre trip once this is over! Recording available on ENB YouTube til tonight! pic.twitter.com/LzzChFhVHI
— Dr Kathryn Stamp (PhD) (@kathrynstampy) April 24, 2020
Hoje fiz uma aula de ballet com técnica masculina pelo English National Ballet, foi incrivel ❣️❣️
— Joe (@jooecosta) May 1, 2020
Watching @AkramKhanLive Dust on YouTube @ENBallet #ENBAtHome You get it instantly and you can feel the emotion seeping into the audience. It’s one of those pieces that will stand the test of time! Haunting yet Stunning! Go watch it and donate if you can. Xx
— Emily Hearts (@Emilyhearts64) April 29, 2020
I've donated today's commute to @ENBallet Future Fund as I really enjoyed their Fantastic Beings #ENBatHome yesterday! #MindTheGig
— Caroline Mead (@3HeadedLizard) May 14, 2020
Salgın sürecinde izlediğim ve en etkilendiğim eserler:
-Frankenstein oyunu (National Theatre-Benedict Cumberbatch'ın canavar yorumu)
-Don Kişot balesi (Bolşoy Tiyatrosu)
-Nora modern dansı (English National Ballet)
-Cep telefonuyla çekilmiş, 5.5 saatlik Hermitage Müzesi kaydı— Müjde Işıl (@mujde_isil) May 26, 2020
It was stunning! After having seen the performance live at Sadler's Wells last year, I wished I had the opportunity to go back. And now I sort of had; in my mind I was back there with this beautiful performance! Thank you so much!
— HeidiJB (@Heidi_J_B) May 24, 2020
Thank you @ENBallet for bringing so much joy to households in this overwhelming times.
It is a real pleasure to have the opportunity to see your incredible productions from the safeness of our homes.— Barbie Intensa (@TensaIntensa) May 22, 2020
Acabo de ver Manon y ¡qué deleite! Una vez más, gracias al English National Ballet. Cada miércoles liberan un ballet de manera gratuita durante 48 horas. El 01 de julio será el turno de "La Sílfide y el escocés". No se lo pierdaaaannhttps://t.co/rkPUgK3Ca3
— Sarahí Arana (@saritaballerina) June 26, 2020
Loved @ENBallet's Cinderella streamed for #ENBatHome, set and staged beautifully in the round at the Albert Hall. Particularly enjoyed @TamaraRojo1's tipsy wicked step mother and the competitive step sisters too! #SaveTheArts https://t.co/OONlWSlrIy https://t.co/FvzMjEpOvC
— Jennifer McLamb (@jennifermclamb1) July 9, 2020
So grateful for the presentations of #ENBAtHome, you kept me sane, inspired and dancing. Thank you @ENBallet Gracias @IsaacHdezF
— Gisele Fernández Ludlow (@GisFdz) July 10, 2020