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Cardiff, Wales

The Royal Ballet Lower and Upper School

English National Ballet

Joined 2023, promoted to Principal 2024.

Previous company
Semperoper Ballett Dresden, 2015 – 2023

Principal roles in Watkin and Smith’s Nutcracker; Watkin’s Swan LakeLa Bayadere and Sleeping Beauty; Watkin and Beechey’s The Nutcracker; Dawson’s Giselle. Soloist roles in Balanchine’s Theme and VariationsSymphony in C, and Four Temperaments; Forsythe’s The Second Detail, Artifact, and New Suite; Graham’s Errand into the Maze; Inger’s Walking Mad, and Carmen; Bausch’s Iphigenia auf Tauris; Ashton’s The Dream; Peck’s Heatscape; Ekman’s COW. Created roles include: Paris in Dawson’s Romeo and Juliet; Winter Principal Couple in Dawson’s The Four Seasons